objects MehlWeltenall projectsLight Art Object | MehlWelten Museum Wittenburg | 2023MehlWelten CANVASArt ProductionInteractive Permanent Installation | Stadtteilbibliothek Köln-Kalk | 2018CANVAS DIAMONDobjectsSpatial Installation | NEC Display Solutions | ISE 2018DIAMOND PULVERMÜHLEobjectsAugmented SculpturePulvermühle Hamburg 2017%h3>PULVERMÜHLE CITYSCAPEobjectsAugmented SculptureExpo Real 2017%h3>CITYSCAPE SLICESBrand ExperienceImmersive Projection Installation | Amsterdam 2017SLICES ROBOTSBrand ExperienceExploration Project | CeBIT Hannover 2017ROBOTS SOLANUMobjectsAugmented SculptureJW Marriott Houston Downtown 2014 & 2016%h3>SOLANUM OBJEKT VobjectsAugmented SculptureNational Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 2013%h3>OBJEKT V A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONYArt ProductionA textile sculpture augmented with projectionsInternal Workshop 2013%h3>A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONY RED NEVER FOLLOWSobjects555 KUBIK at Saatchi GallerySaatchi Gallery London 2015%h3>RED NEVER FOLLOWS 26th FLOORobjectsAugmented sculptureFour Seasons Beirut 2013%h3>26th FLOOR SEARCHLIGHTBrand Experiencemoving head projector | research studyMoving Head Projector | Research Study 2013%h3>SEARCHLIGHT IDOMENEOArt ProductionOperatic stagingTheater Bremen 2011%h3>IDOMENEO
A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONYArt ProductionA textile sculpture augmented with projectionsInternal Workshop 2013%h3>A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONY
SEARCHLIGHTBrand Experiencemoving head projector | research studyMoving Head Projector | Research Study 2013%h3>SEARCHLIGHT